Why iOS is better than android

4 min readJun 12, 2021

To be honest, I’m an Android user, and I would love to say Android is better than iOS, and it does some things better than iOS, but there are some things iOS does better than Android. So, what are the things iOS does better than Android?

Every Android user knows that Android gives freedom to the users to customize their themes and a lot more, which Apple doesn’t, and there are few things Apple gives that Android can’t.

I Know, many Android users say that Android is better and iOS can’t beat Android in anything, but if Android is much better than iOS, then why people are so excited about iPhones, and why Apple products are so expensive, so here are things why Apple is better than Android.


Apple is well known for its security, and it’s the same case with iOS too, iOS has the best security features, and its App Store is so strict that App publishers need to optimize their App to the Apple’s ecosystem, making it difficult to penetrate and protected from viruses and malware.

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Currently, Google is updating continuously to make Android and Play Store much secure than before by adding more controlled App permissions, two-step verifications, Google Play Product, and more. Soon, Android can rival Apple’s security, but for now, iOS gives better security than Android.


Do you know that iPhone 12 Pro Max is the most powerful Apple smartphone right now, but its specifications are equal to the middle-range specs of an Android phone, but how can these iPhones perform better than Androids?

It is because the specifications alone won’t decide the performance of a smartphone. Even though your phone has better specifications, it cannot beat the iPhones. It is because the iPhones are better optimized between hardware and software.

For unknowns, Apple develops their phones, and operating system from scratch, so they can optimize their phone’s hardware with the operating system, but Android is developed by Google, and the Android mobile companies use the operating system, and most of the companies poorly do the optimization.

Another reason is that Apple makes few devices per year, so they optimize better, and the App developers need to optimize their App just to the Apple’s ecosystem, but what about Android.

There is an ocean of Android phones coming every year, making it difficult for us to choose the best smartphone, and also difficult for the App developers to optimize their Apps, which is why many developers choose the App store over Play Store.

Software Updates

I can agree with it completely because Android phones get the software updates long after their release, while the Apple phones get the updates the next minute the update is released.

Well, the reason for Android mobiles taking time to give the update even after its release, because the manufacturers need to test the update and optimize the update to the mobile, then they will roll out the update, but iPhones get the update as soon as the update is released, as I said before, Apple develops very few devices per year, so it is easy for the Apple to optimize the update for Apple ecosystem, which is why the iOS is better in giving timely updates.

Easy to use

Everyone says that Android gives freedom to the users, and Apple does not give any freedom, but Apple users do not want Apple to give them freedom because of its simplicity.

Have you ever observed the differences between two Android phones like Samsung and VIVO, there will be a huge difference. It will be a nightmare to shift to another phone, which is not the case with iPhones.

If you get used to iPhone X settings, even if you bought a new iPhone 12, there won’t be much difference, which is why iPhone users love how it works. You don’t have to mess with the themes while all you need is a straightforward phone that works well.

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